Technical Reports:
Sen, M.K., P.L. Stoffa, and R. Seifoullaev, 2001, Airborne GPR for the detection of underground facilities, Report to the Institute of Advanced Technology, University of Texas at Austin.
Sen, Vikramaditya, Paul L. Stoffa, Donald D. Blankenship and Ian W.D. Dalziel, 1997, Results from the antalith field tests: A pilot program for seismic investigation in central-west Antarctica, UTIG TR-172.
Stoffa, P.L., M.K. Sen, and V. Sen, 1996, Parallel Algorithms for Automatic Estimation of Seismic Velocities, Report to Cray Research, Inc., UTIG TR-147.
Tanis, M.C., J.T. Fokkema, P.L. Stoffa, M.K. Sen, 1996, Prestack split-step Fourier depth migration with DSR, TU Delft Technical Report.
Sen, Mrinal K., Paul L. Stoffa, and Carlos Calderon-Macias, 1995, Artificial Neural Networks for Inversion and Interpretation of Seismic Data, Report to Cray Research, Inc., UTIG TR-135.
Tanis, M.C., A.W. Mulder, P.L. Stoffa, M.K. Sen, and J. Fokkema, 1995, Pre-stack Split-step Fourier Depth Migration in the po-ps Domain, UTIG TR-133.
Jervis, M., M.K. Sen, P.L. Stoffa, 1994, 3-D Traveltime Calculations, UTIG TR-131
Wood, W.T., P.L. Stoffa, and T.H. Shipley, 1991, Detecting Clathrate Concentrations Through High Resolution Seismic Velocity Analysis of Shallow Sediments, Report to U.S. Geological Survey, UTIG TR-110.
Stoffa, P.L., January 1989, University Partnership Program, Report to Landmark Graphics Corporation, UTIG TR-99.
Stoffa, P.L., 1989, Multichannel Downhole Seismic Modelling and Processing.
Stoffa, P.L., and Warren T. Wood, January 1989, Velocity Analysis and Pre-stack Reflection Migration in the Tau-p Domain, Report to Cray Research, Inc., UTIG TR-100.
Stoffa, P.L., January 1988, Split-step Fourier Modeling and Migration, Report to Cray Research, Inc., UTIG TR-101