2010's Selected Publications
Jackson, C. S., M. K. Sen, P. L. Stoffa, and G. Huerta, Data directed importance sampling for climate model uncertainty estimation, in Advanced Computational Infrastructures for Parallel / Distributed Adaptive Applications, edited by M. Parashar, X. Li, and S. Chandra, editors, Wiley Publishers, 2010
Pestana, R. C., and P. L. Stoffa, Time evolution of the wave equation using the Rapid Expansion Method (REM), Geophysics, (in press), 2010
Stoffa, P. L., M. K. Sen, R. K. Seifoullaev, and R. C. Pestana, Plane wave seismic data: Parallel and adaptive strategies for velocity analysis and imaging, in Advanced Computational Infrastructures for Parallel/Distributed Adaptive Applications, edited by M. Parashar, X. Li, and S. Chandra, Wiley Publishers, 2010, 1928
Jin, L. and M. K. Sen, P. L. Stoffa 2009, Fusion based classification method and its application, Journal of Seismic Exploration, 18(2), 103-117
2000's Selected Publications
Pestana, R.C., P.L. Stoffa, 2009, Time evolution of the wave equation using the Rapid Expansion Method (REM) (in press to Geophysics).
Porsani, M., P. Stoffa, M. Sen, R. Seif, 2010, Partitioned least squares operator for large scale geophysical inversion (submitted for publication to Geophysics).
Jin, L., P.L. Stoffa, M.K. Sen, 2009, Stochastic Inversion for Reservoir Properties Using Parallel Learning-Based VFSA and Pilot Point Parameterization, SPE International, SPE 118818
Jin, L., P.L. Stoffa, M.K. Sen, R.K. Seif, A. Sena, 2009, Pilot point parameterization in stochastic inversion for reservoir properties using time-lapse seismic and production data, J Seismic Exploration, 18(1).
Jin, L., M.K. Sen, P.L. Stoffa, 2009, Fusion based classification method and its application, J Seismic Exploration, 18 103-117 (2).
Hu, C. and P. Stoffa, 2009, Slowness-driven Gaussian-beam prestack depth migration for low-fold seismic, Geophysics, 74(6), WCA35-WCA45.
Hu, C., P. Stoffa, and K. McIntosh, 2008, First arrival stochastic tomography: Automatic background velocity estimation using beam semblances and VFSA, Geophys Res Lett, 35, L23307.
Jin, L., M.K. Sen, P.L. Stoffa, R.K. Seif, 2008, Time-lapse seismic attributes analysis for waterflooded reservoir, J Geophys Eng, (5), 210-220.
Wood, W.T., W. S. Holbrook, P.L. Stoffa, 2008, Full waveform inversion of reflection seismic data for ocean temperature profiles, Geophys Res Lett, 35, L04608.
Sena, A.R., M.K. Sen, P.L. Stoffa, 2008, Modelling of ground penetrating radar data in stratified media using the reflectivity technique, J Geophys Eng, 5, 129-146.
Stoffa, P.L, M.K. Sen, R.K. Seifoullaev, R.C. Pestana, J.T. Fokkema, 2006, Plane-wave depth migration, Geophysics, 71(6), S261-S272.
Sena, A.R, P.L. Stoffa, and M.K. Sen, 2006, Split-step Fourier migration of GPR data in lossy media, Geophysics, 71(4), K77-K91.
Bangerth W., H. Klie, M.F. Wheeler, P.L. Stoffa, and M.K. Sen, 2006, On optimization algorithms for the reservoir oil well placement problem, Computational Geosciences, 10, 303-319.
Klie, H., W. Bangerth, X. Gai, M.F. Wheeler, P.L. Stoffa, M. Sen, M. Parashar, U. Catalyurek, J. Saltz, T. Kurc, 2006, Models, methods and middleware for grid-enabled multiphysics oil reservoir management, Engineering with Computers, 22, 349-370.
Zhang, X, B. Rutt, U. Catalyurek, T. Kurc, P. Stoffa, M. Sen, J. Saltz, 2006, Supporting scalable and distributed data subsetting and aggregation in large-scale seismic data analysis, IJHPCA, 20(3), 423-438.
Roy, L., M.K. Sen, K. McIntosh, P.L. Stoffa, Y. Nakamura, 2005, Joint inversion of first arrival seismic travel time and gravity data, J Geophys and Eng, 2, 277-289.
Mukherjee, A., M.K. Sen, P.L. Stoffa, 2005, Traveltime computation and pre-stack time migration in transversely isotropic media, J Seismic Exploration, 13(3), 201-225.
Kurc, T., U. Catalyurek, X. Zhang, J. Saltz, M. Peszynska, M. Wheeler, A. Sussman, M. Sen, R. Seifoullaev, P. Stoffa, C. Torres-Verdin, 2005, A simulation and data analysis system for large scale, data-driven oil reservoir simulation studies, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 17, 1441-1467.
Roy, L., M.K. Sen, D. Blankenship, P.L. Stoffa, and T. Richter, 2005, Inversion and uncertainty estimation of gravity data using simulated annealing: An application over Lake Vostok, East Antarctica, Geophysics, 70(1), J1-J12.
Matossian, V., V. Bhat, M. Parashar, M. Peszynska, M. Sen, P. Stoffa, and M.F. Wheeler, 2005, Autonomic oil reservoir optimization on the grid, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 17(1), 1-26.
Aldunate, G.C., R.C. Pestana, P.L. Stoffa, 2004, 2-D prestack depth migration with split-step extrapolation operators, Revista Brasileria de Geofisica, 22(2), 153-161.
Tsoflias, G.P., J-P. Van Gestel, P.L. Stoffa, D.D. Blankenship, and Sen M, 2004, Vertical fracture detection by exploiting the polarization properties of ground-penetrating radar signals, Geophysics 69(3), 803-810.
Ahmed, I., P.L. Stoffa, M.K. Sen, 2003, Residual migration velocity analysis in the offset-depth domain, Journal of Seismic Exploration, 12, 237-257.
Sen, M.K., P.L. Stoffa, R.K. Seifoullaev, J.T. Fokkema, 2003, Numerical and field investigations of GPR: Toward an airborne GPR. Subsurface Sensing Technologies and Applications, 4(1), 41-60.
Jiao, J., P.L. Stoffa, M.K. Sen, and R.K. Seifoullaev, 2002, Residual migration-velocity analysis in the plane-wave domain, Geophysics, 67(4), 1258-1269.
Pestana, R., and P.L Stoffa, 2001, Plane Wave Prestack Time Migration, Journal of Seismic Exploration, 9(3), 211-222.
Van Gestel, J.P., and P.L. Stoffa, 2001, Application of Alford rotation to ground penetrating radar data, Geophysics, 66(6), 1781-1792.
Muszala, S.P., P.L. Stoffa, and L.A. Lawver, 2001, An application for removing cultural noise from aeromagnetic data, Geophysics, Short Note, 66(1), 213-219.
Calderón-Macías, C., M.K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, 2000, Artificial neural networks for parameter estimation in geophysics, Geophysical Prospecting, 48, 21-47.
Liu, F., M.K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, 2000, Dip selective 2-D multiple attenuation operators in plane wave domain, Geophysics, 65(1), 264-274.
McIntosh, K., F. Akbar, C. Calderon, P. Stoffa, S. Operto, G. Christeson, Y. Nakamura, T. Shipley, E. Flueth, A. Stavenhagen, G. Leandro, 2000, Large aperture seismic imaging convergent margin: Techniques and results from the Costa Rica seismogenic zone, Marine Geophysical Researches, 21 5, 451-474.
Porsani, M. J., P. L. Stoffa, M. K. Sen, and R. K. Chunduru, 2000, Fitness functions, genetic algorithms and hybrid optimization in seismic waveform inversion, Journal of Seismic Exploration, 9(2), 143-164.
Xia, G., M.K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, 2000, Mapping of elastic properties of gas hydrates in the Carolina trough by waveform inversion, Geophysics, 65(3), 735-744
1990's Selected Publications
Pestana, R., P.L. Stoffa, and M.K. Sen, 1999, Multiple attenuation in the plane wave domain by match filtering, Journal of Seismic Exploration, 8, 167-179.
Sen, V., M.K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, 1999, PVM based 3-D Kirchhoff depth migration using dynamically computed travel-times: An application in seismic data processing, Parallel Computing, 25, 231-248.
Sen, V., P.L. Stoffa, I.W.D. Dalziel, D.D. Blankenship, A.M. Smith, and S. Anandakrishnan, 1999, Seismic surveys in Central West Antarctica: Data processing examples from the ANTALITH field tests, Terra Antarctica, 5(4), 761-772.
Xia, G., M.K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, 1998, 1D elastic waveform inversion: A divide and conquer approach, Geophysics, 63(5), 1670-1684.
Anandakrishnan, S., D.D. Blankenship, R.B. Alley, and P.L. Stoffa, 1998, Influence of subglacial geology on the position of a West Antarctic ice stream from seismic observations, Nature, 394, 62–65.
Calderón-Macías, C., M.K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, 1998, Automatic NMO correction and velocity estimation by a feedforward neural network, Geophysics, 63(5), 1696-1707.
Luhurbudi, E.C., J. Pulliam, J.A. Austin, Jr., S. Saustrup, and P.L. Stoffa, 1998, Removal of diurnal tidal effects from an ultra-high resolution 3D marine seismic survey on the continental shelf offshore New Jersey, Geophysics, 63(3), 1036-1040.
Sen, M.K., F. Liu, P.L. Stoffa, and J.T. Fokkema, 1998, A unified treatment of free surface multiple elimination methods, Journal of Seismic Exploration, 7, 129-143.
Sen, M.K, P.L. Stoffa and G. Xia, 1998, AVO and seismic waveform inversion in the plane wave domain: Application to gas hydrate data, Geohorizons, 4-12.
Varela, C.L., Paul L. Stoffa, and Mrinal K. Sen, 1998, Background velocity estimation using nonlinear optimization for reflection tomography and migration misfit, Geophysical Prospecting, 46(1), 51-78.
Coffin, M.F., O. Eldholm, P.L. Stoffa, J.A.Austin Jr, 1998, Looking ahead to the future of marine reflection seismology, Eos, Transactions, AGU, 79, 614-615.
Calderón-Macías, Carlos, Mrinal K. Sen, and Paul L. Stoffa, 1997, Hopfield neural networks, and mean field annealing for seismic deconvolution and multiple attenuation, Geophysics, 62(3), 992-1002.
Chunduru, Raghu K., Mrinal K. Sen, and Paul L. Stoffa, 1997, Hybrid optimization methods for geophysical inversion, Geophysics, 62(4), 1196-1207.
Akbar, Faruq E., Mrinal K. Sen, and Paul L. Stoffa, 1996, Pre-stack plane wave Kirchhoff migration in laterally varying media, Geophysics, 61(4), 1068-1079.
Christeson, G.L., Y. Nakamura, K.D. McIntosh, and P.L. Stoffa, 1996, Effect of shot interval on ocean bottom seismograph and hydrophone data, Geophysical Research Letters, 23(25), 3783-3786.
Chunduru, R.K., M.K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, 1996, 2-D resistivity inversion by spline parameterization and simulated annealing, Geophysics, 61(1), 151-161.
Jervis, M., M.K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, 1996, Pre-stack migration velocity estimation using nonlinear methods, Geophysics, 61(1), 138-150.
Pulliam, Jay, J.A. Austin, Jr., E.C. Luhurbudi, S. Saustrup, and P.L. Stoffa, 1996, An ultra high resolution 3-D survey of the shallow subsurface on the continental shelf of New Jersey, The Leading Edge, 15(7), 839-845.
Sen, M.K., and P.L. Stoffa, 1996, Bayesian inference, Gibbs’ sampler and uncertainty estimation in geophysical inversion, Geophysical Prospecting, 44, 313-350.
Zhao, Lian-she, Mrinal K. Sen, Paul L. Stoffa and Cliff Frohlich, 1996, Application of very fast simulated annealing to the determination of crustal structure beneath Tibet, Geophysical Journal International, 125, 355-370.
Chunduru, R.K., M.K. Sen, P.L. Stoffa, and R. Nagendra, 1995, Nonlinear inversion of resistivity profiling data for some regular geometrical bodies, Geophysical Prospecting, 43, 979-1003.
Oh, J., J.A. Austin, Jr., J.D. Phillips, M.F. Coffin, and P.L. Stoffa, 1995, Seaward-dipping reflectors offshore the southeastern U.S.: Seismic evidence for extensive volcanism accompanying sequential formation of the Carolina trough and Blake Plateau basin, Geology, 23(1), 9-12.
Sen, M.K., A. Datta-Gupta, P.L. Stoffa, L.W. Lake, and G.A. Pope, 1995, Stochastic reservoir modeling using simulated annealing and genetic algorithms: A comparative analysis, SPE Formation Evaluation, 49-55.
Zhou, R., F. Tajima, and P.L. Stoffa, 1995, Application of genetic algorithms to constrain near-source velocity structure for the 1989 Sichuan earthquakes, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am, 85, 2, 590-605.
Zhou, R., F. Tajima, and P.L. Stoffa, 1995, Earthquake source parameter determination using genetic algorithms, Geophysical Research Letters, 22(4), 517-520.
Faria, E. and P.L. Stoffa, 1994, Finite difference modeling in transversely isotropic media, Geophysics, 59(2), 282-289.
Faria, E. and P.L. Stoffa, 1994, Traveltime computation in transversely isotropic media, Geophysics, 59(2), 272-281.
Holbrook, W.S., E.C. Reiter, G.M. Purdy, D. Sawyer, P.L. Stoffa, J.A. Austin, Jr., J. Oh, and J. Makris, 1994, Deep structure of the U.S. Atlantic continental margin, offshore South Carolina, from coincident ocean-bottom and multichannel seismic data, Journal of Geophysical Research, 91(B5), 9155-9178.
Shipley, T.H., G.F. Moore, N.L. Bangs, J.C. Moore, and P.L. Stoffa, 1994, Seismically inferred dilatancy distribution, northern Barbados ridge decollement: Implications for fluid migration and fault strength, Geology, 22, 411-414.
Squires, L.J., P.L. Stoffa, and G. Cambois, 1994, Borehole transmission tomography for velocity plus statics, Geophysics, 59(7), 1028-1036.
Wood, W.T., P.L. Stoffa, and T.H. Shipley, 1994, Quantitative detection of methane hydrate through high-resolution seismic velocity analysis, Journal of Geophysical Research, 99(B5), 9681-9695.
Cambois, G., and P.L. Stoffa, 1993, Surface-consistent phase decomposition in the log/Fourier domain, Geophysics, 58(8), 1099-1111.
Jervis, M., P.L. Stoffa, and M.K. Sen, 1993, 2-D migration velocity estimation using a genetic algorithm, Geophysical Research Letters, 20(14), 1495-1498.
Sen, M.K., B.B. Bhattacharya, and P.L. Stoffa, 1993, Nonlinear inversion of resistivity sounding data, Geophysics, 58(4), 496-507.
Cambois, G., and P.L. Stoffa, 1992, Surface-consistent deconvolution in the Log/Fourier domain, Geophysics, 57(6), 823-840.
Sen, M.K., and P.L. Stoffa, 1992, Genetic inversion of AVO, Geophysics, The Leading Edge of Exploration, 11(1), 27-29.
Sen, M.K. and P.L. Stoffa, 1992, Rapid sampling of model space using genetic algorithms: examples from seismic waveform inversion, Geophys. J. Int., 108, 281-292.
Shipley, T.H., K. McIntosh, E. Silver, and P.L. Stoffa, 1992, Three-dimensional seismic imaging of the Costa Rica accretionary prism: Structural diversity in a Small Volume of the Lower Slope, J. of Geophys. Res., 97(B4), 4439-4459.
Squires, L.J., S.N. Blakeslee, and P.L. Stoffa, 1992, The effects of statics on tomographic velocity reconstructions, Geophysics, 57, 353-362.
Stoffa, P.L. and M.K. Sen, 1992, Seismic waveform inversion using global optimization, Journal of Seismic Exploration, 1, 9-27.
Stoffa, P.L., W.T. Wood, T.H. Shipley, G.F. Moore, E. Nishiyama, M.A.B. Botelho, A. Taira, H. Tokuyama, and K. Suyehiro, 1992, Deepwater high-resolution expanding spread and split spread seismic profiles in the Nankai Trough, J. Geophys. Res., 97, 1687-1713.
Lowenthal, D. and P.L. Stoffa, 1991, Synthetic Acoustic Seismograms by Dereverberating Sources, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 90, No. 2, Pt. 1, 1101-1105.
Moore, G.F., D.E. Karig, T.H. Shipley, A. Taira, P.L. Stoffa, and W.T. Wood, 1991, Structural Framework of the ODP Leg 131 Area, Nankai Trough, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Initial Reports, 131, 15, 15-20.
Oh, J., J.D. Phillips, J.A. Austin, Jr., and P.L. Stoffa, 1991, Deep-penetration seismic reflection images across the southeastern United States continental margin, edited by Meissner et al., in Symposium on Deep Seismic Reflection Profiling of the Continental Lithosphere, American Geophysical Union, Geodynamics Series, 22, 225-240.
Sen, M.K., and P.L. Stoffa, 1991, Non-linear One-dimensional Seismic Waveform Inversion Using Simulated Annealing, Geophysics, 56(10), 1624-1638.
Stoffa, P.L. and M.K. Sen, 1991, Nonlinear multiparameter optimization using genetic algorithms: Inversion of plane wave seismograms, Geophysics, 56(11), 1794-1810.
Stoffa, P.L., T.H. Shipley, W. Kessinger, D.F. Dean, R. Elde, E. Silver, D. Reed, and A. Aguilar, 1991, Three-dimensional seismic imaging of the Costa Rica accretionary prism: Field program and migration examples, J. Geophys. Res., 96(B13), 21693-21712.
Austin, J.A., Jr., P.L. Stoffa, J.D. Phillips, J. Oh, D.S. Sawyer, G.M. Purdy, E. Reiter, and J. Makris, 1990, Crustal structure of the Southeast Georgia embayment-Carolina trough: Preliminary results of a composite seismic image of a continental suture(?) and a volcanic passive margin, Geology, 18, 1023-1027.
Moore, G.F., T.H. Shipley, P.L. Stoffa, D.E. Karig, A. Taira, S. Kuramoto, H. Tokuyama, and K. Suyehiro, 1990, Structure of the Nankai Trough Accretionary Zone from Multichannel Seismic Reflection Data, J. Geophys. Res., 95(B6), 8753-8765.
Shipley, T.H., P. L. Stoffa, and D. F. Dean, 1990, Underthrust Sediments, Fluid Migration Paths and Mud Volcanoes Associated with the Accretionary Wedge off Costa Rica: Middle American Trench, J. Geophys. Res., 95(B6), 8743-8752.
Stoffa, P.L., J.T. Fokkema, R.M. de Luna Freires, and W. Kessinger, 1990, Split-step Fourier Migration, Geophysics, 55(4), 410-421.
1980's Selected Publications
Diebold, J.B., P.L. Stoffa, and LASE Study Group, 1988, A Large Aperture Seismic Experiment in the Baltimore Canyon Trough, Geological Society of America, 1-2, 387-398.
Johansen, B., O. Eldholm, M. Talwani, P.L. Stoffa, and P. Buhl, 1988, Expanding spread profile at the northern Jan Mayen Ridge, Polar Research, 6, 95-104.
Stoffa, Paul L., 1988, Acquisition and Analysis of Wide-angle Reflection and Refraction Seismic Data, Wagner, H.C., Wagner, L.C., Wan, F.F.H., and Wong, F.L. (eds.) Petroleum resources of China and related subject: Houston, Texas, Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources Earth Sciences Series, 10, 695-718.
Loewenthal, D., P.L. Stoffa, and E.L. Faria, 1987, Suppressing the Unwanted Reflections of the Full Wave Equation, Geophysics, 52(7), 1007-1012.
Keen, C., I. Reid, J. Woodside, B. Nichols, J.I. Ewing, G.M. Purdy, H. Schouten, J.B. Diebold, P. Buhl, J.C. Mutter, R. Mithal, J. Alsop, P.L. Stoffa, J.D. Phillips, T.J. Stark, and T. O'Brien, LASE Study Group, 1986, Deep Structure of the U.S. East Coast Passive Margin from the Large Aperture Seismic Experiment (LASE), Marine and Petrol. Geol., 3, 234-242.
Stoffa, P.L., 1986, Analysis of Seismic Data in the Tau-p Domain, Revista Brasileira de Geofísica, 4(2), 31-43.
Buhl, P., J.B. Diebold, J.W. Ladd, J.C. Mutter, J.D. Phillips, P.L. Stoffa, R.S. Dietrick, K. Hinz, and H. Meyer, NAT Study Group, 1985, North Atlantic Transect: A Wide Aperture, Two-ship Multichannel Seismic Investigation of the Oceanic Crust, J. of Geophys. Res., 90(B12), 10321-10341.
Gamboa, L.A., M. Truchan, and P.L. Stoffa, 1985, Middle and Upper Jurassic Depositional Environments at the Outer Shelf and Slope of the Baltimore Canyon Trough, AAPG Bulletin, 69(4), 610-621.
Mutter, J.C., P. Buhl, J.B. Diebold, JAW. Ladd, P.L. Stoffa J.D. Phillips, K. Hinz, H. Meyer, and R.S. Dietrick, NAT Study Group, 1985, Multichannel Seismic Images of the Oceanic Crust's Internal Structure: Evidence for a Magma Chamber beneath the Mesozoic Mid-Atlantic Ridge; Geology, 13, 629-632.
Stoffa, P.L., 1985, Analysis and Processing of Wide-Angle Reflection and Refraction Seismic Data in the Tau-p Domain, Advances in Geophysical Data Processing, 2, 81-117.
Carrion, Ph.M., J.T. Kuo, and P.L. Stoffa, 1984, Inversion Method in the Slant Stack Domain using Amplitudes of Reflection Arrivals, Geophysical Prospecting, 32(3), 375-391.
Ladd, J.W., M. Truchan, M Talwani, P.L. Stoffa, P. Buhl, R. Houtz, A. Mauffret, and G. Westbrook, 1984, Seismic reflection profiles across the southern margin of the Caribbean, in the Caribbean-South American Plate Boundary and Regional Tectonics, William E. Bonini, Robert B. Hargraves, and Reginald Shagam, editors, The Geological Society of America, Memoir 162, 153-160.
McCowan, D.W., P.L. Stoffa, and J.B. Diebold, 1984, Fan Filters for Data with Variable Spatial Sampling, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ASSP-32(6), 1154-1159.
Mutter, J.C., R. Detrick, and the NAT Study Group, 1984, Multichannel Seismic Evidence for Anomalously Thin Crust at the Blake Spur Fracture Zone, Geology, 12, 534-537.
Mutter, J.C., M. Talwani, and P.L. Stoffa, 1984, Evidence for a Thick Oceanic Crust Adjacent to the Norwegian Margin, Journal of Geophysical Research, 89(B1), 483-502.
Talwani, M., J.C. Mutter, P.L. Stoffa, and O. Eldholm, 1984, Comments on a paper by Smythe et al., entitled, Early Opening History of the North Atlantic, I. Structure and Origin of the Faeroe-Shetland Escarpment, Geophys. J. R. Astr. Soc., 78(2), 627-637.
Martinson, D.G., W. Menke, P. Stoffa, 1984, An inverse approach to signal correlation – reply, J Geophysical Research 89(B4), 2501-2504.
Stoffa, P.L., P. Buhl, and J.B. Diebold, 1983, The Seismic Reflection/Refraction Method: Wide Aperture Data Obtained in Multiship Experiments, in: Structure and Development of the Greenland-Scotland Ridge: New Methods and Concepts, Plenum Press, New York, 219-255.
Stoffa, P.L., and A. Ziolkowski, 1983, Seismic Source Decomposition, Geophysics, 48(1), 1-11.
Buhl, P., J.B. Diebold, and P.L. Stoffa, 1982, Array Length Magnification Through the Use of Multiple Sources and Receiving Arrays, Geophysics, 47(3), 311-315.
Martinson, D., W. Menke, and P.L. Stoffa, 1982, An Inverse Approach to Signal correlation, Journal of Geophysical Research, 87(B6), 4807-4818.
Mutter, J.C., M. Talwani, and P.L. Stoffa, July 1982, Origin of Seaward-Dipping Reflectors in Oceanic Crust off the Norwegian Margin by "Subaerial Sea-floor Spreading," Geology, 10, 353-357.
Stoffa, P.L., and J.B. Diebold, 1982, Seismic Signal Processing, Trends and Perspectives in Signal Processing, 2(3).
Stoffa, P.L., J.B. Diebold, and P. Buhl, 1982, Velocity Analysis for Wide Aperture Seismic Data, Geophysical Prospecting, 30, 25-57.
Talwani, Manik, P.L. Stoffa, P. Buhl, and C. Windisch, 1982, Seismic Multichannel Towed Arrays in the Exploration of the Oceanic Crust, Tectonophysics, 81, 273-300.
Diebold, J. B., and P.L. Stoffa, 1981, The Traveltime Equation Tau-p Mapping and Inversion of Common Midpoint Data, Geophysics, 46(3), 238-254.
Diebold, J.B., P.L. Stoffa, P. Buhl, and M. Truchan, 1981, Venezuela Basin Crustal Structure, Journal of Geophysical Research (Red Book), 86(B9), 7901-7923.
Sheridan, R.E., J.T. Crosby, G.M. Bryan, and P.L. Stoffa, 1981, Stratigraphy and Structure of the Southern Blake Plateau, Northern Florida Straits and Northern Bahamas Platform from Multichannel Seismic Reflection Data, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 65(12), 2571-2593.
Stoffa, P.L., P. Buhl, J.B. Diebold, and F. Wenzel, 1981, Direct Mapping of Seismic Data to the Domain of Intercept Time and Ray Parameter: A Plane Wave Decomposition, Geophysics, 46(3), 255-267.
Stoffa, P.L., J.B. Diebold, and P. Buhl, 1981, Inversion of Seismic Data in the Tau-p Plane, Geophysical Research Letters, 8(8), 869-872.
Stoffa, P.L., A. Mauffret, M. Truchan, and P. Buhl, 1981, Sub-B” Layering in the Southern Caribbean: The Aruba Gap and Venezuela Basin, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 3, 131-146.
Wenzel, F., P.L. Stoffa, and P. Buhl, 1981, Seismic Modeling in the Domain of Intercept Time and Ray Parameter, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ASSP-30(3), 406-423.
Herron, T.J., P.L. Stoffa, and P. Buhl, 1980, Magma Chamber and Mantle Reflections - East Pacific Rise, Geophysical Research Letters, 7(11), 989-992.
Stoffa, P.L., P. Buhl, T.J. Herron, T.K. Kan, and W.J. Ludwig, 1980, Mantle Reflections Beneath the Crestal Zone of the East Pacific Rise from Multi-channel Seismic Data, Marine Geology, 35, 83-97.
1970's Selected Publications
Stoffa, P.L., and P. Buhl, 1979, Two-Ship Multichannel Seismic Experiments for Deep Crustal Studies: Expanded Spread and Constant Offset Profiles, Journal of Geophysical Research, 84, 7645-7660.
Herron, T.J., W.J. Ludwig, P.L. Stoffa, T.K. Kan, and P. Buhl, 1978, Structure of the East Pacific Rise Crest from Multichannel Seismic Reflection Data, Journal of Geophysical Research, 83(B2), 798-804.
Sheridan, R.E., C.C. Windisch, J.I. Ewing, and P.L. Stoffa, 1978, Structure and Stratigraphy of the Blake Escarpment Based on Seismic Reflection Profiles, Geological and Geophysical Investigations of Continental Margins, AAPG Memoir 29.
Stoffa, P. and M. Talwani, 1978, Exploring the crust beneath the oceans, Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory Yearbook, 5, 23-29.
Tatham, Robert H., and P.L. Stoffa, 1976, Vp/Vs – A Potential Hydrocarbon Indicator, Geophysics, 41(5), 837-849.
Stoffa, P.L., P. Buhl, and G.M. Bryan, 1974, Cepstrum Aliasing and the Calculation of the Hilbert Transform, Geophysics Short Note, 39(4), 543-544.
Stoffa, P.L., P. Buhl, and G.M. Bryan, 1974, The Application of Homomorphic Deconvolution to Shallow-Water Marine Seismology - Part I: Models, Geophysics, 39(4), 401-416.
Buhl, P., P.L. Stoffa, and G.M. Bryan, 1974, The Application of Homomorphic Deconvolution to Shallow-Water Marine Seismology - Part II: Real Data, Geophysics, 39(4), 417-426.