2010's Expanded Abstracts
Chu, C. and P. L. Stoffa, 2010, Acoustic Anisotropic Wave Modeling Using Normalized Pseudo-Laplacian, Expanded Abstracts,Volume 29, 80th Annual International Meeting, Denver, Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Chu, C. and P. L. Stoffa, 2010, Elastic Wave Modeling with the Pseudo-analytical Method on Staggered Grid,Expanded Abstracts,Volume 29, 80th Annual International Meeting, Denver, Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Chu, C. and P. L. Stoffa, 2010, Frequency Domain Modeling Using Implicit Spatial Finite Difference Operators, Expanded Abstracts,Volume 29, 80th Annual International Meeting, Denver, Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Pestana, R. C. and P. L. Stoffa, 2010, Phase-shift plus interpolation time-stepping method for reverse time migration, Expanded Abstracts,Volume 29, 80th Annual International Meeting, Denver, Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Shahin, A and P. L. Stoffa, R. H. Tatham 2010, Timelapse CSEM analysis of a shaly sandstone simulated by comprehensive petro-electric modeling, Expanded Abstracts,Volume 29, 80th Annual International Meeting, Denver, Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Shahin, A and R. H. Tatham, P. L. Stoffa, K. T. Spikes, 2010, Comprehensive petro-elastic modeling aimed at quantitative seismic reservoir characterization and monitoring, Expanded Abstracts,Volume 29, 80th Annual International Meeting, Denver, Society of Exploration Geophysicists
2000's Published Abstracts
Chu, C., P.L. Stoffa, R. Seif, 2009, High-order rotated staggered finite difference modeling of 3D elastic wave propagation in general anisotropic media, Vol. 28, 79th Annual International Meeting, Houston, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 291-295
Chu, C., P.L. Stoffa, R. Seif, 2009, 3D Elastic wave modeling using modified high-order time stepping schemes with improved stability conditions, Vol. 28, 79th Annual International Meeting, Houston, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2662-2666
Chu, C., P.L. Stoffa, R. Seif, 2009, 3D Seismic modeling and reverse-time migration with the parallel Fourier method using non-blocking collective communications, Vol. 28, 79th Annual International Meeting, Houston, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2677-2681
Jin, L. and M. K. Sen, P. L. Stoffa 2009, Fusion based classification method and its application, Journal of Seismic Exploration, 18(2), 103-117
Sena, A., M. Sen, P. Stoffa, R. Seif, L. Jin, 2009, Joint inversion of time-lapse seismic and production data using VFSA with Local Thermal Regulation and pilot point parameterization, Vol. 28, 79th Annual International Meeting, Houston, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 1810-1814
Sena, A., P. Stoffa, M. Sen, R. Seif, 2009, Assessing the value of time-lapse seismic data in joint inversion for reservoir parameter estimation in an oil reservoir subjected to water flooding recovery: a synthetic example, Vol. 28, 79th Annual International Meeting, Houston, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 3904-3908
Shahin, A. and P. L. Stoffa, R. H. Tatham, D. Sava, 2009, Multicomponent seismic time-lapse cross-plot and its applications, Expanded Abstracts 2009, Vol. 28, 79th Annual International Meeting, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 1227-1231
Stoffa, P.L, R.C. Pestana, 2009, Numerical solution of the acoustic wave equation by the rapid expansion method (REM) – A one step time evolution algorithm, Vol. 28, 79th Annual International Meeting, Houston, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2672-2676 & The 11th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Salvador, Brazil, August 24-28, 2009.
Pestana, R.C., P.L. Sotffa, 2009, Rapid expansion method (REM) for time-stepping in reverse time migration (RTM), Vol. 28, 79th Annual International Meeting, Houston, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2819-2823 & The 11th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Salvador, Brazil, August 24-28, 2009.
Sena, A.R., P.L. Stoffa, M. Sen, L. Jin, R. Seif, 2009, 4-D seismic: When should we acquire the next seismic survey? AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Denver, June 7-10,2009.
Jin, L., P.L. Stoffa, M.K. Sen, 2009, Stochastic inversion for reservoir properties using parallel learning-based VFSA and pilot point parameterization, SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, Woodlands, Tx.
Hu, C., P. Stoffa, K. McIntosh, 2008, First arrival stochastic tomography: Automatic background velocity estimation using beam semblances and VFSA, SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas.
Jin, L., M.K. Sen, P.L. Stoffa, 2008, One-dimensional prestack seismic waveform inversion using Ensemble Kalman Filter, SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas.
Shahin, A., P.L. Stoffa, R.H. Tatham, D. Sava, 2008, Sensitivity analysis of multicomponent seismic attributes to fluid content and pore pressure, SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas.
Chu, C., P.L. Stoffa, 2008, A pseudospectral-finite difference hybrid approach for large-scale seismic modeling and RTM on parallel computers, SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas.
Chu, C., P.L. Stoffa, 2008, Parallel seismic wave simulations on Lonestar and Ranger, 2nd Annual Scientific Software Days, The University of Texas at Austin.
Sen, M.K., P.L. Stoffa, L. Jin, R. Seif, A. Sena, 2008, Stochastic inversion for reservoir parameters using time-lapse seismic and well production data, Applied 4D Seismic: Reservoir Monitoring, Model Updating, and Management – SPE/AAPR/SEG Applied Technology Workshop, Galveston.
Jin, L., M.K. Sen, P.L. Stoffa, 2008, Data fusion: a possible way to reduce uncertainty in reservoir characterization, SEG Development and Production Forum, Austin.
Shahin, A., P. L. Stoffa, R.H. Tatham , D. Sava, 2008, Uncertainty in rock physics modeling: Impact on seismic reservoir characterization and monitoring, SEG Development and Production Forum, Austin.
Shahin, A., P.L. Stoffa, R.H. Tatham, D. Sava, 2008, A statistical approach to quantify the detectability of the dynamic reservoir properties using multi-component time-lapse seismic attributes, SEG Development and Production Forum, Austin.
Shahin, A., P.L. Stoffa, R.H. Tatham, D. Sava, 2008, Sensitivity analysis of multicomponent seismic attributes to fluid content and pore pressure, SEG Development and Production Forum, Austin.
Chu, C., P.L. Stoffa, 2008, Parallel seismic modeling using the pseudospectral method on Marmousi2, 70th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Rome.
Jin, L., M. Sen, P. Stoffa, R. Seif, A. Sena, 2008, Stochastic inversion for reservoir properties using time-lapse seismic and well production data, 70th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Rome.
Jin, L., M.K. Sen, P.L. Stoffa, R.K. Seif, 2007, Optimal model parameterization in stochastic inversion for reservoir properties using time-lapse seismic and production data, SEG Annual Meeting, San Antonio.
Jin, L., M.K. Sen, P.L. Stoffa, 2007, Fusion based classification method and its application, SEG Annual Meeting, San Antonio.
Jin, L., M.K. Sen, T. Hong, P.L. Stoffa, 2007, Joint estimation of porosity and saturation by combining a rock physics model and constrained pre-stack seismic waveform inversion, SEG Annual Meeting, San Antonio.
Hong, T., M.K. Sen, P.L. Stoffa, H. Klie, S.G. Thomas, A. Rodriguez, M.F. Wheeler, 2007, Integrated time-lapse seismic inversion for reservoir petrophysics and fluid flow imaging, SEG Annual Meeting, San Antonio.
Hu, C., M.K. Sen, P. Stoffa, K. McIntosh, 2007, Plane wave gaussian beam prestack depth migration, SEG Annual Meeting, San Antonio.
Chu, C, P.L. Stoffa, 2006, Seismic modeling in the plane wave domain using an implicit finite difference scheme, Sixteenth Annual Industrial Affiliates Meeting, Center for Subsurface Modeling, The University of Texas at Austin.
Hu, C., K. McIntosh, P. Stoffa, 2006, Voronoi cell based staggered grid SH wave numerical simulation, SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans.
Hu, C., K. McIntosh, H van Avendonk, P. Stoffa, 2006, Hybrid ray tracer and amplitude calculation with finite difference, graph theory and ray bending, SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans.
Sen, M.K., P.L. Stoffa, 2006, True Amplitude Migration-Inversion in Phase Space, SPG meeting, Kolkata, India.
Gai, X., J. Rungamornrat, H. Klie, W. Bangerth, M. F. Wheeler, P. L. Stoffa, M.K . Sen, and R. Seifoullaev, 2005, Fully integrated reservoir flow, geomechanics and seismic modeling: A tool for better reservoir characterization and geomechanical prediction using 4D seismic, SEG Annual Meeting, Houston.
Stoffa, P.L., M.K. Sen, R. Seifoullaev, H. Klie, X. Gai, W. Bangerth, J. Rungamornrat, M.F. Wheeler, 2005, An analysis of flow-simulation scales and seismic response, SEG Annual Meeting, Houston.
Stoffa, P.L., M.K. Sen, R.K. Seifoullaev, R. Pestana, J.T. Fokkema, 2005, Double plane wave Kirchhoff depth migration, Ninth International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Salvador, Brazil.
Seifoullaev, R.K., P.L. Stoffa, M.K. Sen, 2005, Use of reciprocity in a double plane wave Kirchhoff depth migration, Ninth International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Salvador, Brazil.
Jackson, C.S., M.K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, 2004, Statistical inversion for quantifying uncertainties in climate prediction, Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NG31B-0876.
Wang, F., C.S. Jackson, P.L. Stoffa, M. Fluegel, P. Chang, 2004, A stochastic bayesian approach to identify the dynamical regimes of ENSO, Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract A14B-06.
Xun, H., N.L. Bangs, P.L. Stoffa, 2004, Estimation of free gas saturation using AVO analysis on 3D seismic data at south Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia accretionary complex, Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS41C-0492.
Sena, A.R., M.K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, 2004, Modeling of ground penetrating radar data in stratified media, SEG Annual Meeting, Denver.
Sena, A.R., P.L. Stoffa, and M.K. Sen, 2004, Migration of ground penetrating radar data in heterogeneous and dispersive media, New Strategies for European Remote Sensing, Proceedings of the 24th EARSel Symposium, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 711-719.
Ahmed, I., P.L. Stoffa, M.K. Sen, K.D. McIntosh, 2003, Residual migration velocity analysis in the offset-depth domain via the ray parameter-depth domain, SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas.
Sena, A.R., P.L. Stoffa, and M.K. Sen, 2003, Split-step fourier migration of ground penetrating radar data, SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas.
Nowack, R.L., M.K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, 2003, Gaussian beam migration for sparse common-shot and common-receiver data, SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas.
Roy, L., M.K. Sen, D.Blankenship, P.L. Stoffa, and T. Richter, 2003, Gravity inversion and uncertainty analysis using simulated annealing: An application over Lake Vostok, East Antarctica, 8th International Congress of The Brazilian Geophysical Society, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Aldunate G.C., R.C. Pestana & P.L. Stoffa, 2003, Migracao sismica 2D pre-empihamento em profundidade com os metodos “Split-step”, “Split-step” hibrido e “Split-step” – PSPI: Uma Comparacao, 8th International Congress of The Brazilian Geophysical Society, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Stoffa, P. and M. Porsani, 2003, Residual migration analysis: VFSA and LI, 8th International Congress of The Brazilian Geophysical Society, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Pestana, R., J. Logrado, P. Stoffa, 2003, Migracao 2D Pre-empilhamento em Profundidade de Ondas Planas Utilizando Tecnicas de Correcao de Fase em Duas Etapas, 8th International Congress of The Brazilian Geophysical Society, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Nowack, R.L., M.K. Sen, P.L. Stoffa, and H. Ge, 2002, Gaussian beam migration for sparse common-shot and common-receiver data, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco.
Roy, L., M.K. Sen, D. Blankenship, P.L. Stoffa, and T. Richter, 2002, Estimation of uncertainty in 3D gravity inversion using simulated annealing, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco.
Xia, Y., C. Jackson, M.K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, 2002, Optimal parameter estimation and uncertainty analysis of the common land model using the Cabauw dataset, 7th Annual CCSM Workshop, Breckenridge, Colorado.
Jackson, C., Q., Mu, M. Sen, and P. Stoffa, 2002, Measures of GCM performance as functions of model parameters affecting clouds and radiation, EOS Trans. AGU, 83(19), Spring Meeting Suppl. Abstract A51C-03.
Jackson, C., M.K. Sen, and P. Stoffa, 2002, Optimal parameter and uncertainty estimation within climate and land surface models using Bayesian stochastic inversion, EOS Trans. AGU, 83(19), Spring Meeting Suppl. Abstract B32A-22.
Xia, Y., C. Jackson, M. Sen, and P. Stoffa, 2002, Optimal parameter estimation and uncertainty analysis of a land surface model using the Cabauw dataset, EOS Trans. AGU, 83(19), Spring Meeting Suppl. Abstract B32A-08.
Jackson, C., M.K. Sen, and P. Stoffa, 2002, Optimal parameter and uncertainty estimation within climate and land surface models using Bayesian stochastic inversion, Mississippi River Climate and Hydrology Conference, New Orleans, LA (abstract).
Xia, Y., C. Jackson, M.K. Sen, and P. Stoffa, 2002, Optimal parameter estimation and uncertainty analysis of a land surface model using the Cabauw dataset, Mississippi River Climate and Hydrology Conference, New Orleans, LA (abstract).
Alaslani, A., P.L. Stoffa, and M.K. Sen, 2001, Estimation of 3D seafloor geometry for multiple prediction using a simulated annealing algorithm or 3D seismic multiple prediction and attenuation, Seventy-First Annual International Meeting and Exposition, San Antonio, TX, Expanded Abstracts.
Dantas, E., P. Gama, R. Pestana, and P. L. Stoffa, 2001, Mét odo bidimensional de atenuação de múltiplas de superficie no dominio das ondas plans através de um filtro modelador, Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Salvador, Brazil, Expanded Abstracts, 1237-1240.
Fernandes, A.O., M.J. Porsani, and P.L. Stoffa, 2001, Um algoritmo combinado (Genético e Newton) aplicado à inversão de sondagem elétrica vertical, Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Salvador, Brazil, Expanded Abstracts, 578-581.
Gonçalves, J.E., R. Pestana, and P.L. Stoffa, 2001, Migração residual de seções de parametro de raio constante, Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Salvador, Brazil, Expanded Abstracts, 1067-1071.
Mukherjee, A., M.K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, 2001, Traveltime computation, pre-stack Fourier and Kirchhoff migration in transversely isotropic media, Seventy-First Annual International Meeting and Exposition, San Antonio, TX, Expanded Abstracts.
Pestana, R., P.L. Stoffa, and A.S.B. Melo, 2001, 3-D Common plane wave section migration, Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Salvador, Brazil, Expanded Abstracts, 1026-1030.
Santos, J.R.S.B., 2001, Migração pré-empilhamento em profundidade no dominio das Ondas Planas, Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Salvador, Brazil, Expanded Abstracts, 1063-1067.
Stoffa, P.L., M.K. Sen, and J. Jiao, 2001, Residual migration velocity analysis in the plane-wave domain, Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Salvador, Brazil, Expanded Abstracts, 1198-1201.
Eldholm, O., M.F. Coffin, P.L. Stoffa, and J.A. Austin, Jr., 2000, Academic/Industrial Cooperation in Marine Seismology: An International Model, Proceedings of the Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX, Expanded Abstracts (OTC 11944).
Jiao, J., P.L. Stoffa, M.K. Sen, and R.K. Seifoullaev, 2000, Residual migration velocity analysis in the plane wave domain, Society of Exploration Geophysicists Seventieth Annual International Meeting and Exposition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Expanded Abstracts (MIG7.8).
Pestana, R., P.L. Stoffa, and J.R. Santos, 2000, Plane Wave Prestack Time Migration, Society of Exploration Geophysicists Seventieth Annual International Meeting and Exposition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Expanded Abstracts (MIG3.7).
van Gestel, J.P., and P.L. Stoffa, May 2000, Migration using multi-configuration GPR data, Proceedings of the GPR 2000 Eighth International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Gold Coast, Australia, Expanded Abstracts, 448-452.
1990's Published Abstracts
Liu, F., M.K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, 1999, Surface multiple attenuation for multi-component ocean bottom seismometer data, Society of Exploration Geophysicists Sixty-Ninth Annual International Meeting and Exposition, Expanded Abstracts (SPRO10.6).
Pestana, R., P.L. Stoffa, and M.K. Sen, 1999, Multiple attenuation in the plane wave domain by match filtering, Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Tsoflias, G., J.P. van Gestel, P.L. Stoffa, and M.K. Sen, Detection of vertical fractures in geologic formations using the polarization properties of ground-penetrating radar signal, 1999, Proceedings of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Sixty-Ninth Annual International Meeting and Exposition, Expanded Abstracts (NSG5.8).
van Gestel, J.P., and P.L. Stoffa, 1999, Multi-configuration ground penetrating radar data, Society of Exploration Geophysicists Sixty-Ninth Annual International Meeting and Exposition, Expanded Abstracts (NSG5.1).
Akbar, F.E., C. Calderon-Macias, V. Sen, M.K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, 1998, A comparative study of first arrival time computation for 3-D inhomogeneous isotropic velocity models, Proceedings of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Sixty-Eighth Annual International Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, 1728-1731.
Akbar, F.E., P.L. Stoffa, and M.K. Sen, 1998, Three-dimensional Plane-wave Kirchhoff depth migration, Proceedings of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Sixty-Eighth Annual International Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, 1708-1711.
Liu, F., M.K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, 1998, 2-D multiple attenuation operators in the t-p domain, Proceedings of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Sixty-Eighth Annual International Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, 1256-1259.
Tanis, Mehmet C., Paul L. Stoffa, and Reynam Pestana, 1998, Prestack depth migration in the source-offset domain, Proceedings of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Sixty-Eighth Annual International Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, 1839-1842.
Xia, G., M.K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, 1998, Mapping of elastic properties of gas hydrates in the Carolina Trough by waveform inversion, Proceedings of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Sixty-Eighth Annual International Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, 1146-1149.
Coffin, M.F., O. Eldholm, and P.L. Stoffa, 1998, Looking ahead to the future of marine reflection seismology, Eos Transactions, American Geophysical Union 79(50), 614-615.
Fulthorpe, C.S., P.L. Stoffa, and M.K. Sen, 1997, University of Texas Institute for Geophysics: Field studies and geological syntheses, Southeast Consortium of Ocean Research Workshop, Stennis Space Center, MS.
Sen, M.L, P.L. Stoffa, and C.S. Fulthorpe, 1997, Quantitative marine geophysical research at UTIG, Southeast Consortium of Ocean Research Workshop, Stennis Space Center, MS.
Stoffa, Paul L., Mrinal K. Sen, and Ganyuan Xia, 1997, Simulated Annealing: A tool for estimating the macro-model for prestack migration velocity analysis and AVO, Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Tanis, Mehmet C., and Paul L. Stoffa, 1997, Parallel implementation of 3-D split-step Fourier depth migration algorithm on T3E, Proceedings of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Sixty-Seventh Annual International Meeting and Exposition, Dallas, TX, 1433-1436.
Akbar, Faruq, Paul L. Stoffa, Mrinal K. Sen, And Carlos L. Varela, 1996, Automated background velocity estimation in the plane wave domain using VFSA, Proceedings of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Sixty-Sixth Annual International Meeting and Exposition, Denver, CO, I, 731-734.
Bording, R. Phillip, Carlos L. Varela, Mrinal Sen, Paul L. Stoffa, 1996, Automatic background velocity estimation in rugose topography and complex geology with visualization, Eos-Transactions, AGU, F461.
Calderon, Carlos, Mrinal K. Sen, and Paul L. Stoffa, 1996, A neural network optimization approach for automatic NMO correction and velocity estimation, Proceedings of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Sixty-Sixth Annual International Meeting and Exposition, Denver, CO, II, 1979-1982.
Chunduru, R.K., M.K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, 1996, Development of efficient hybrid optimization for geophysical inversion, Proceedings of the Sixty-Sixth Annual International Meeting and Exposition, Denver, CO, II, 1130-1133.
Lee, D.K., S.P. Grand, M.K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, Upper mantle attenuation beneath the East Pacific Rise, EOS Transactions of American Geophysical Union, 77(46), F490, 1996.
Pulliam, Jay, P.L. Stoffa, E.C. Luhurbudi, S. Saustrup, and J.A. Austin, Jr., 1996, 3-D depth migration of an ultra high resolution seismic survey on New Jersey’s continental shelf, Proceedings of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Sixty-Sixth Annual International Meeting and Exposition, Denver, CO, 847-850.
Sen, M.K., P.L. Stoffa, J.T. Fokkema, and C. Calderon, 1996, On two approaches to wave equation based multiple attenuation, proceedings of the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers 58th Annual Meeting and Exposition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, paper no. B002.
Tanis, Mehmet C., Paul L. Stoffa, Mrinal K. Sen, and Jacob T. Fokkema, 1996, Pre-stack split-step Fourier depth migration, Proceedings of the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers 58th Annual Meeting and Exposition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, paper no. X048.
Varela, Carlos L., Paul L. Stoffa and Mrinal K. Sen, 1996, Automatic background velocity estimation in 2D media, Proceedings of the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers 58th Annual Meeting and Exposition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, paper no. X009.
Xia, Ganyuan, Mrinal K. Sen, and Paul L. Stoffa, 1996, Two-step velocity estimation and AVO inversion in the t-p domain, Proceedings of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Sixty-Sixth Annual International Meeting and Exposition, Denver, CO, II, 1727-1730.
Akbar, F., C. Calderón, S. Operto, P.L. Stoffa, M.K. Sen, K. McIntosh, and T. Shipley, 1995, 3-D prestack Kirchhoff depth migration of OBS data from offshore Costa Rica, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 76(46), 550.
Calderon-Macias, C., M.K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, 1995, A neural network based approach to NMO correction and velocity estimation, presented at IUGG meeting, Boulder, CO, 1995.
Christeson, G.L., S. Operto, K.D. McIntosh, Y. Nakamura, T.H. Shipley, and P.L. Stoffa, 1995, TICOSECT: Structure of subduction zone off Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, from wide-angle OBS data, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 76(46), 550.
Chunduru, C.K., M.K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, Seismic and resistivity inversion by hybrid optimization, presented at IUGG meeting, Boulder, CO, 1995.
McIntosh, K.D., Y. Nakamura and TICOSECT participants, 1995, TICOSECT: Experiments to evaluate the crustal structure of the Costa Rica convergent margin, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 76(46), 550.
Operto, S., C. Calderón, P. Stoffa, F. Akbar, K. McIntosh, T. Shipley, J. Floyd, Y. Nakamura, J. Pulliam and G. Christeson, 1995, Preliminary 3-D velocity structure offshore Costa Rica travel time inversion from 2-D intersecting in-line seismic profiles, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 76(46), 551.
Pulliam, J., M.K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, Downsizing the seismic workplace: compression and denoising of seismic data, presented at the IRIs workshop, 1995.
Pulliam, J., P.L. Stoffa, J.A. Austin, Jr., S. Saustrup, and E.C. Luhurbudi, 1995, Processing a high resolution 3D subsurface on the Continental Shelf of New Jersey, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 76(46), 308.
Sen, M.K., and P.L. Stoffa, Bayesian inversion in geophysics, presented at IUGG meeting, Boulder, CO, 1995.
Sen, M.K., and P.L. Stoffa, Computational seismological research at UTIG using Cray supercomputers, presented at UNAM-Cray symposium, 1995.
Sen, M.K., P.L. Stoffa, C. Varela, M. Jervis, and R. Chunduru, Optimization methods for automatic velocity estimation, SIAM meeting on Geophysical Inverse Problems, Yosemite, CA, 1995.
Sen, V., P.L. Stoffa, S. Anandakrishnan, I.W.D. Dalziel, D.D. Blankenship, and A.M. Smith, 1995, A seismic survey in central West Antarctic: Data processing and preliminary results, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 76(46), 401.
Varela, C., P.L. Stoffa, and M.K. Sen, Migration velocity estimation, presented at IUGG meeting, Boulder, CO, 1995.
Zhao, Lian-She, Mrinal Sen, Paul Stoffa, and Cliff Frohlich, 1995, Application of very fast simulated Annealing to the Inversion of Receiver Structure, Seismological Research Letters, 66(2), 53.
Akbar, F.E., M.K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, 1994, Prestack plane wave Kirchhoff depth migration using a cluster of workstations, Proceedings of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Sixty-Fourth Annual International Meeting and Exposition, Los Angeles, CA, 225-228.
Akbar, F.E., M.K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, Rapid 2-D Plane Wave Kirchhoff Migration using PVM, 1994, PVM Users’ Group Meeting, Oak Ridge, TN.
Bangs, N.L., T. Shipley, and P.L. Stoffa, 1994, Pore fluid pressures along the decollement thrust as inferred from 3-D seismic reflection data from the Northern Barbados Ridge, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 75(16), 324.
Chunduru, R.K., M.K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, 1994, Resistivity inversion for 2-D geologic structures using very fast simulated annealing, Proceedings of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Sixty-Fourth Annual International Meeting and Exposition, Los Angeles, CA, 640-643.
Sen, M.K., A. Duttagupta, P. Stoffa, L. Lake, and G. Pope, 1994, Stochastic reservoir modeling by simulated annealing and genetic algorithms: A comparative analysis, Proceedings of the Society of Petroleum Engineers Sixty Seventh Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Washington, D.C., paper no. SPE 24754, 939-950.
Sen, M.K., and P.L. Stoffa, 1994, Bayesian Inference, Gibbs Sampler and Uncertainty Estimation in Nonlinear Geophysical Inversion, Proceedings of the European Association of Exploration Geophysicists 56th Annual Meeting and Exposition, Vienna, Austria, paper no. G019.
Sen, M.K, and P.L. Stoffa, 1994, Sampling based approaches to estimating uncertainties in geophysical inversion, Eos Transactions, AGU, 457.
Sen, V., M.K. Sen and P.L. Stoffa, Seismic Processing Using PVM: Prestack 3D Kirchhoff Migration and Modeling, 1994, PVM Users’ Group Meeting, Oak Ridge, TN.
Sen, V., M.K. Sen, P.L. Stoffa, and M. Jervis, 1994, Generation of 3-D velocity models, seismic modeling and migration: an application of the Kirchhoff-Helmholtz approach to ocean bottom seismometer data, Proceedings of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Sixty-Fourth Annual International Meeting and Exposition, Los Angeles, CA, 699-702.
Stoffa, P.L., M.K. Sen, C. Varela, and R.K. Chunduru, 1994, Geophysical Applications of Global Optimization Methods, Proceedings of the European Association of Exploration Geophysicists 56th Annual Meeting and Exposition, Vienna, Austria, paper no. P134.
Tajima, F., P.L. Stoffa, and R. Zhou, 1994, Application of Genetic Algorithms to Broad-Band Body Waveform Modeling, Proceeding of the Sixth Annual IRIS Workshop, 61.
Tajima, F., P.L. Stoffa, and R. Zhou, 1994, Broad-Band Body Waveform Source Inversion Incorporating Genetic Algorithms to Constrain Near-Source Structure, International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior, New Zealand, 430.
Varela, C.L., P.L. Stoffa, and M.K. Sen, 1994, Migration misfit and reflection tomography: Criteria for pre-stack migration velocity estimation in laterally varying media, Proceedings of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Sixty-Fourth Annual International Meeting and Exposition, Los Angeles, CA, 1347-1350.
Zhao, L.-S., M.K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, 1994, Statistical Study of Norms of Waveform Fit for Source Estimation from Regional Seismograms, 89th Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of America, 65(1), 29.
Zhou, R., F. Tajima, and P.L. Stoffa, 1994, Earthquake Source Parameter Determination Using Genetic Algorithms, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 75(16), 66.
Faria, E.L., and P.L. Stoffa, 1993, Traveltime computation in transverse isotropic media, Proceedings of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Sixty-Third Annual International Meeting and Exposition, Washington, DC, 839-842.
Jervis, M., M. K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, 1993, Optimization methods for 2D pre-stack migration velocity estimation, Proceedings of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Sixty-Third Annual International Meeting and Exposition, Washington, DC, 965-968.
Jervis, M., P.L. Stoffa, and M.K. Sen, 1993, 2-D Velocity Estimation Using a Genetic Algorithm, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 74(16), 201.
Moore, G.F., Z. Zhao, T.H. Shipley, N.L. Bangs, P.L. Stoffa, and J.C. Moore, 1993, Structure of the Northern Barbados Ridge Accretionary Prism from 3-D Seismic Reflection Data, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 74(43), 224.
Porsani, M., M.K. Sen, P.L. Stoffa, R. Chunduru, and W.T. Wood, 1993, Seismic Waveform Inversion by a Hybrid Linearized-Genetic Algorithm, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 74(16), 201.
Porsani, M.J., P.L. Stoffa, R.K. Chunduru, and M.K. Sen, 1993, Evaluation of Measures of Error Using a Genetic Algorithm, 3rd International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society.
Porsani, M.J., P.L. Stoffa, M.K. Sen, R. Chunduru, and W.T. Wood, 1993, A combined genetic and linear inversion algorithm for seismic waveform inversion, Proceedings of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Sixty-Third Annual International Meeting and Exposition, Washington, DC, 692-695.
Sen, M.K., F.A. Akbar, and P.L. Stoffa, 1993, Imaging of ocean subbottom structure using swath mapping data: Feasibility studies, Acoustical Society of America, Ottawa, Canada.
Sen, M.K. and P.L. Stoffa, 1993, Geophysical Inversion Using Global Optimization, Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences, Houston, TX.
Sen, M. K., P. L. Stoffa, and J. A. Austin, Jr., 1993, High resolution shallow water 3-D survey and inversion for geophysical parameters, Journal of Acoustical Society of America, Ottawa, Canada, 93, 4, 2269.
Sen, M.K, P.L. Stoffa, R.K. Chunduru, and M. Jervis, 1993, Geophysical Applications of Global Optimization Methods, 3rd International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society.
Shipley, T.H., G.F. Moore, N.L. Bangs, P.L. Stoffa, and J.C. Moore, 1993, Seismically Inferred Spatial Pattern of Fluid Content of the Northern Barbados Ridge Decollement: Implication for Fluid Migration and Fault Strength, 1993, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 74(43), 579.
Zhou, R., F. Tajima, and P.L. Stoffa, 1993, A Feasibility Study of Genetic Algorithms to Constrain Near-Source Velocity Structure, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 74(43), 394.
Zhao, Z., G.F. Moore, T.H. Shipley, N.L. Bangs, P.L. Stoffa, A.C. Teagan and V. Sen, J.C. Moore, and G. Zwart, 1993, Hydrogeology of the Northern Barbados Ridge Accretionary Prism: Constraints from 3-D Seismic Reflection Data, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 74(43), 241.
Bhattacharya, B.B., M.K. Sen, and P.L. Stoffa, 1992, Nonlinear inversion of resistivity sounding data, Proceedings of the SEG/Moscow ‘92 International Conference and Exposition on Exploration and Development Geophysics, Moscow, Russia, 171.
Kao, Jason C., and Paul L. Stoffa, 1992, Parallel Implementation of Post-stack 3-D Split-step Depth Migration on the Cray Y-MP C90, Proceeding of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Sixty-Second Annual International Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, 307.
Oh, J., J.A. Austin, Jr., J.D. Phillips, M.F. Coffin and P.L. Stoffa, 1992, nature of Basement Offshore the Southeastern United States – Foundation of the Rifted Continental Margin, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 73(43), 542.
Sen, Mrinal K., and Paul L. Stoffa, 1992, Multilayer AVO inversion by genetic algorithms, Proceedings of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Sixty-Second Annual International Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans, LA.
Sen, Mrinal K., and Paul L. Stoffa, 1992, Multilayer AVO inversion by genetic algorithms, Proceedings of the SEG/EAEG Summer Research Workshop, Big Sky, Montana, 581-589.
Sen, V., Y. Nakamura, P.L. Stoffa, Y Hello, T.H. Shipley, and N.L. Bangs, 1992, Preliminary Results from an Ocean Bottom Seismograph Experiment at the toe of the Barbados Trench, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 73(43), 356.
Shipley, T.H., K. McIntosh, E. Silver, and Stoffa, P.L., 1992, Three-dimensional seismic imaging of the Costa Rica Accretionary Prism: structural diversity in a small volume of the lower slope, Geophysical Abstracts, 2, 20.
Shipley, T.H., G.F. Moore, J.C. Moore, N.L. Bangs, P.L. Stoffa, V. Sen, Y. Nakamura, and S. Kuramoto, 1992, Three-dimensional seismic survey at the toe of the Barbados Trench: Some first observations, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 73(43),356.
Stoffa, P.L., W.T. Wood, T.H. Shipley, G.F. Moore, E. Nishiyama, M.A.B. Botelho, A. Taira, H. Tokuyama, K. Suyehiro, 1992, Deep water high resolution expanding spread and split-spread seismic profiles in the Nankai Trough, Geophysical Abstracts, 2, 13.
Botelho, Marco A.B., and Paul L. Stoffa, 1991, Finite-Difference Prestack Reverse Time Migration Using the P-SV Wave Equation, Proceedings of the 61st Annual International Society of Exploration Geophysicists Meeting and Exposition, Houston, TX, II, 1009-1011.
Botelho, Marco A.B., and Paul L. Stoffa, 1991, Finite-Difference Reverse Time Migration of Multi-Configuration Marine Seismic Data, 2nd International Congress of the SBGf, Salvador, Brazil, Expanded Abstracts, 11, 953-959.
Jervis, M., and P. L. Stoffa, 1991, Seismic Waveform Inversion for Velocity, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 72(44), 333.
Sen, Mrinal K., and Paul L. Stoffa, 1991, Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithms and Seismic Waveform Inversion, Proceedings of the 61st Annual International Society of Exploration Geophysicists Meeting and Exposition, Houston, TX., II, 945-947.
Shipley, T.H., W.T. Wood, and P.L. Stoffa, Seismic reflection velocity study of a gas-hydrate zone on the continental slope offshore South Carolina, April 1991, invited for Special Session on Measurements of Gassy Sediments, Journal Acoustical Society of America, 89, No. 4, 1853.
Squires, Livia J., and Paul L. Stoffa, 1991, Borehole Traveltime Tomography With Statics and a Priori Constraints, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 72(44), 334.
Squires, Livia J., Paul L. Stoffa, and Guillaume Cambois, 1991, Tomographic Inversion for Velocity Plus Statics, Proceedings of the 61st Annual International Society of Exploration Geophysicists Meeting and Exposition, Houston, TX., II, 821-824
Stoffa, Paul L., and Mrinal K. Sen, 1991, Seismic Waveform Inversion Using Global Optimization Methods: Examples Using GA, 2nd International Congress of the SBGf, Salvador, Brazil, Expanded Abstracts, 11, 837-842.
Wood, W.T., P.L. Stoffa, and M.K. Sen, 1991, Practical Acoustic Inversion of Multi-Channel Reflection Seismic Data for Velocity and Density in a 1-D Earth, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 72(44), 295.
Cambois, Guillaume, and Paul L. Stoffa, 1990, Surface-Consistent Deconvolution in the Log/Fourier Domain, Proceedings of the 52nd European Association of Exploration Geophysicists Meeting and Technical Exhibition, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Cambois, Guillaume, and Paul L. Stoffa, 1990, Surface Consistent Phase Decomposition, Proceedings of the 60th Annual International Society of Exploration Geophysicists Meeting and Exposition, San Francisco, CA, 2, 1593-1596.
Hatcher, R.D., Jr., J.A. Austin, Jr., P.L. Stoffa, J.K. Costain, J. Coruth, A.C. Johnson, D.S. Sawyer, and D.T. Secor, 1990, Southern Appalachian Crustal Section (SACS), Geol. Soc. America Abs. with Programs.
Holbrook, W. Steven, G. Michael Purdy, Edmund C. Reiter, M.N. Toksoz, J.A. Austin, Jr., P.L. Stoffa, and D. Sawyer, 1990, Crustal Structure of the Carolina Trough, U.S. East Coast Margin, From Coincident Multichannel Reflection and Ocean-Bottom Seismic Data, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 71, 1616.
Oh, J., P.L. Stoffa, J. A. Austin, Jr., J.D. Phillips, and D.S. Sawyer, 1990, Alternative Interpretation for the Brunswick Magnetic Anomaly from Deep-penetration Multichannel Seismic Reflection Profiling: Southeastern United States Passive Continental Margin, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 71, 1616.
Phillips, J.D., L.M. Gahagan, D.M. Müller, J.A. Austin, J. Oh, P.L. Stoffa, and D. Sawyer, 1990, Synthetic Modeling of the East Coast and Brunswick Magnetic Anomaly Trends, Southeastern U.S.: Geologic Interpretation, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 71, 1616.
Sen, Mrinal K., and Paul L. Stoffa, 1990, Non-linear Seismic Waveform Inversion in One-dimension Using Simulated Annealing, Proceedings of the 60th Annual International Society of Exploration Geophysicists Meeting and Exposition, San Francisco, CA, 2, 1119-1122.
Sen, Mrinal K., and Paul L. Stoffa, Pre-stack Migration in Shot-Geophone Coordinates Using the Split-step Fourier Algorithm, 1990, Proceedings of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists Forty-Third Annual Midwest Meeting and Exposition, Midland, TX.
Shipley, T.H., K. McIntosh, P.L. Stoffa, and E.A. Silver, 1990, Accretionary Processes Along the Middle America Trench off Costa Rica, Proceedings of the Circum-Pacific Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Shipley, T.H., K. McIntosh, P.L. Stoffa, and E.A. Silver, 1990, Seismic Reflection Images of the Accretionary Wedge off Costa Rica, Proceedings of the AAPG Convention, San Francisco, California.
Stoffa, Paul L., Mrinal K. Sen, Jacob Fokkema, Walter Kessinger, and Radmila Tatalovic, 1990, Pre-stack Shot Point and Common Midpoint Migration Using the Split-step Fourier Algorithm, Proceedings of the 52nd European Association of Exploration Geophysicists Meeting and Technical Exhibition, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Tatalovic, Radmila, Paul L. Stoffa, Jacob T. Fokkema, and Mrinal Sen, 1990, Velocity Estimation Using the Pre-stack Split-step Fourier Migration Algorithm for Plane Wave Decomposed CMP Data, Proceedings of the EAEG/SEG Research Workshop on Estimation and Practical Use of Seismic Velocities, Cambridge, U.K.
Wood, Warren T., and Paul L. Stoffa, 1990, Velocity Analysis by Iterative Delay Time Modeling of Plane Wave Seismograms, Proceedings of the EAEG/SEG Research Workshop on Estimation and Practical Use of Seismic Velocities, Cambridge, U.K.1980's Published Abstracts
Austin, J.A., Jr., P.L. Stoffa, J.D. Phillips, J. Oh, D. Sawyer, G.M. Purdy, and E. Reiter, 1989, Imaging a Reactivated(?) Crustal Suture and a Complex Continent-Ocean Transition - A Reflection Profile Across the Carolina Trough, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 70(43), 346.
Austin, J., D. Sawyer, P. Stoffa, J. Phillips, J. Oh, E. Reiter, and G.M. Purdy, 1989, Imaging Submerged Continental Lithosphere - A Deep Reflection Profile Across The Carolina Trough, East Coast U.S. Divergent Margin, Proceeding of the IFP-ILP-IUGS Research Conference on exploration, The potential of deep seismic profiling for hydrocarbon exploration, Arles, France.
Botelho, M.A.B., and P.L. Stoffa, April 1989, Iterative Finite Difference reverse Time Migration of Surface Vertical and Cross Hole Seismic Data, Proceeding of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists/Midwest Meeting and Exposition, Denver, CO.
Botelho, M.A.B., and P.L. Stoffa, 1989, Velocity Analysis Using Iterative Pre-stack Reverse Time Migration, Proceeding of the European Association of Exploration Geophysicists, Berlin, Germany.
Cambois, Guillaume, and Paul L. Stoffa, 1989, Surface Consistent Deconvolution, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 70(43), 1215.
Guimarães, Marcos A.G, and Paul L. Stoffa, Inversão de Tempo de Percurso Para Camadas Mergulhantes No Dominio t-p, November 1989, Proceeding of the Congresso de Sociedade Brasileira de Geofisica, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
Guimarães, Marcos A. Gallotti and Paul L. Stoffa, 1989, Inversão de Tempo de Percurso Para Camadas Mergulhantes No Dominio t-p, Proceedings of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Rio de Janeiro, 12.
Jervis, M., and P.L. Stoffa, 1989, Recovery of the Background P and S-wave Velocity by Nonlinear 2D Elastic Waveform Inversion Through Frequency and Offset Staging, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 70(43), 1215.
Oh, J., Paul L. Stoffa, J.A. Austin, Jr., J.D. Phillips, and D. Sawyer, 1989, Images of Basin Structures Beneath the Postrift Unconformity - A Deep Reflection Profile from the Blake Plateau Basin, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 70(43), 346.
Phillips, J.D., J. Austin, Jr., J. Oh, P.L. Stoffa, D. Sawyer, G.M. Purdy, and E. Reiter, 1989, Magnetic Anomaly Modeling of the East Coast and Brunswick Magnetic Anomaly Trends Over the Carolina Trough, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 70(43), 346.
Reiter, E., G.M. Purdy, N. Toksoz, and P.L. Stoffa, 1989, Imaging with Deep Water Multiples, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 70(43), 1223.
Sawyer, D., P. Stoffa, J. Austin, J. Phillips, J. Oh, E. Reiter, and G.M. Purdy, 1989, Images of a Reactivated Crustal Suture - Deep Reflection Profiles From the Carolina Trough and Blake Plateau Basin, Proceeding of the IFP-ILP-IUGS Research Conference on exploration, The potential of deep seismic profiling for hydrocarbon exploration, Arles, France.
Squires, Livia J., and Paul L. Stoffa, 1989, Tau-p Processing of Carolina Trough Line 6, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 70(43), 346.
Stoffa, Paul L., 1989, Tau-p: An Alternative Domain for Filtering, Velocity Analysis, and Imaging, Proceedings of the 59th Annual International Society of Exploration Geophysicists Meeting and Exposition, Dallas, TX, 1, 551-554.
Vera, E.E., J.C. Mutter, P. Buhl, J.A. Austin, Jr., I.W.D. Dalziel, and P.L. Stoffa, 1989, Deep Seismic Structure of the Southernmost Andes, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 70(43), 1314.
Wood, W.T., and P.L. Stoffa, 1989, Results of a High Resolution Two Ship Seismic Experiment in the Nankai Trough, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 70(43), 1347.
Botelho, M.A.B., and P.L. Stoffa, 1988, Velocity Analysis Using Reverse Time Migration, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 69(44), 1326.
Botelho, Marco A.B., Peter Hubral, Paul L. Stoffa, 1988, Seismic Modeling of Complex Structures in the Reconcavo Basin (Brasil) Using Asymptotic Ray Theory: A Case History, Proceedings of the 58th Annual International Society of Exploration Geophysicists Meeting, Anaheim, California, 9-1.
Jervis, M., P.L. Stoffa, J.A. Austin, Jr. and I.W.D. Dalziel, and J.C. Mutter, 1988, Preliminary Report on a Multichannel Seismic Study of the Deep Structure of a Cordilleran Orogen: The Southernmost Andes, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 69(44), 1460.
Kessinger, Walter, Paul L. Stoffa, Thomas H. Shipley, 1988, A Study of Navigation Data for a Three-Dimensional Seismic Survey, Proceedings of the 58th Annual International Society of Exploration Geophysicists Meeting, Anaheim, California, 508-510.
Nishizawa, A., K. Suyehiro, A. Taira, T.H. Shipley, and P.L. Stoffa, 1988, Shallow Crustal Structure of the Inner Slope at the Nankai Trough, Seismological Research Letters, 59(1), 47.
Phillips, J.D., and P. L. Stoffa, 1988, Vertical Seismic Profile: ODP Site 504B Costa Rica Rift, Interpretations and Seismic Correlations, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 69(44), 1401.
Phillips, J.D., P.L. Stoffa, and H. Winkler, 1988, Vertical Seismic Profile Experiment: ODP Site 642, Seaward Dipping Reflectors, Interpretations and Seismic Correlations, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 69(44), 1401.
Reiter, E., G.M. Purdy, D. Sawyer, P.L. Stoffa, J.D. Phillips, J.A. Austin, Jr., and N. Toksoz, 1988, Ocean Bottom Hydrophone Results from a Multichannel Seismic Survey in the Carolina Trough and Southeast Georgia Embayment, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 69(44), 1405.
Shipley, Thomas H., Paul L. Stoffa, Don F. Dean, and Eli Silver, 1988, Comments on the 3D Structure of the Accretionary Wedge off Costa Rica, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 69(44), 1406.
Stoffa, P.L., and J. Oh, 1988, A deep Crustal MCS Study Offshore of the Carolina Trough and
Southeast Georgia Embayment, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 69(44), 405.
Stoffa, Paul L., Thomas H. Shipley, Donald Dean, Rigmor Elde, Eli Silver, 1988, 3D Seismic Survey of the Accretionary Prism Complex Offshore Costa Rica, Proceedings of the 58th Annual International Society of Exploration Geophysicists Meeting, Anaheim, California, 3-5.
Stoffa, Paul L., Mark Wiederspahn, and Warren T. Wood, Fall 1988, Interactive t-p Velocity Analysis on the Landmark Workstation - Methodology, Proceedings of the Landmark University Partners Research Conference, Houston, TX.
Wood, Warren T., Mark Wiederspahn, and Paul L. Stoffa, Fall 1988, Interactive t-p Velocity Analysis on the Landmark Workstation - Examples, Proceedings of the Landmark University Partners Research Conference, Houston, TX.
Wood, W.T., and P.L. Stoffa, 1988, Reflection Velocity Analysis and Pre-stack Migration in the t-p Domain for 1D and 2D Earth Structure, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 69(44), 1326.
Botelho, M.A.B., and P.L. Stoffa, 1987, Seismic Modeling of Real Geological Complex Structures Using Asymptotic Ray Theory (ART), Eos-Transactions, AGU, 68(44), 1370.
Kessinger, W., C.R. Denham, P.L. Stoffa, T.H. Shipley, H.V. Winkler, A. Aguilar, and F. Rojas, 1987, Three Dimensional Seismic Imaging of The Accretionary Wedge in the Middle America Trench off Costa Rica: Navigation Precision, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 68 (44), 1485.
Shipley T.H, P.L. Stoffa, M.P. Cloos, E. Silver, D.L. Reed, A. Aguilar, F. Alvarado, C. Calvo, and F. Rojas, 1987, Some Preliminary Observations of the Costa Rica Three Dimensional Seismic Data, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 68(44), 1485.
Stoffa, P., T.H. Shipley, W. Wood, G. Moore, D. Karig, A. Taira, H. Tokuyama, K. Suyehiro, 1987, Geophysical estimate of sediment physical properties in the Nankai Trough: preliminary results of a high resolution two-ship seismic experiment, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 68, 1466.
Stoffa, P. L., T.H. Shipley, C. Denham, M.A.B. Botelho, D. Dean, H. Winkler, R. Elde, P. Riherd, M.P. Cloos, E.A. Silver, D.L. Reed, G. Miscovich, A. Aguilar, F. Alvarado, C. Calvo, and F. Rojas, 1987, Three Dimensional Seismic Imaging of the Accretionary Wedge in the Middle America Trench off Costa Rica: The Field Experiment and Processing Techniques, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 68(44), 1466.
Wood, W.T., P.L. Stoffa, T.H. Shipley, G.F. Moore, D.E. Karig, A. Taira, H. Tokuyama, and K. Suyehiro, 1987, Geophysical Estimate of Sediment Physical Properties in the Nankai Trough: Preliminary results of a High Resolution Two-ship Seismic Experiment, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 68(44), 1486.
Freire, R., and P.L. Stoffa, 1987, Migration Using the Split-step Fourier Method, Geophysics, 52(3), 402-403.
Loewenthal, D., and P.L. Stoffa, 1987, Synthetic Seismograms by Dereverberating Sources, Geophysics, 52(3), 437.
de Faria, E.L., P. L. Stoffa, and D. Loewenthal, 1986, Migration before Stack Using Reverse Time Propagation, Geophysics, 52(3), 403.
de Faria, E.L., D. Loewenthal, and P.L. Stoffa, 1985, Migracao Antes do Empilhamento Utilizando Propagacao Reversa no Tempo, 1o Encontro Regional de Geofisica, SBGf Divisao regional sul, Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais, Brasil, 129. in Portuguese.
Freire, R.M.L., and P.L. Stoffa, 1985, Migracao por Mudanca de Fase em Duas Etapas, 1o Encontro Regional de Geofisica, SBGf Divisao regional sul, Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais, Brasil, 128. in Portuguese.
Phillips, J.D., H. Winkler, P.L. Stoffa, and the ODP Leg 104 Scientific Team, 1985, Vertical Seismic Profile of Seaward Dipping Reflector Sequence Voring Plateau, ODP Leg 104, Site 642, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 66(46), 977.
Stoffa, P.L., 1985, Analysis of Seismic Data in the Tau-P Domain, 1o Encontro Regional de Geofisica, SBGf Divisao regional sul, Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais, Brasil, 131.
Stoffa, P., 1985, Multiple suppression and deconvolution, Geophysics, 50(4), 718.
Mithal, R., P.L. Stoffa, 1984, Phase of Seismic Arrivals by Complex Trace Analysis, Eos- Transactions, AGU, 65(16).
Phillips, J.D., P.L. Stoffa, C. Denham, D. Dean, E. Rosencrantz, E.W. Behrens, J. Crowe, A.E. Maxwell, J. Grow, R. Mattick, A. Trehu, T. Edgar, D. McCowan, and J. Parks, 1984, Deep Structure of the Shelf and Slope Along the Gulf of Mexico Transect: Two Ship Expanding Spread Profiles, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 65(45), 1007.
Buhl, P., J.C. Mutter, J.M. Alsop, P.L. Stoffa, J.B. Diebold, K. Hinz, J.D. Phillips, and R. Detrick, 1983, Structure of the North Atlantic Oceanic Crust from Wide Aperture CDP Profiling, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 64(18) 269.
Detrick, R., J. Mutter, P. Buhl, P. Stoffa, J. Diebold, J. Phillips, and K. Hinz, 1983, Multichannel Seismic Evidence for Anomalously Thin Crust Beneath the Blake-Spur Fracture Zone in the Western North Atlantic, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 64(45).
Mithal, R., P. Buhl, P.L. Stoffa, and J.B. Diebold, November 8, 1983, X-P Control on Extremal Inversion in the Tau-p Domain, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 64(45).
Mutter, J.C., P. Buhl, J. Alsop, R. Detrick, P.L. Stoffa, J. B. Diebold, K. Hinz, and J. Phillips, 1983, Two-ship Multichannel Transect Across 200 m.y. of Oceanic Crust in the Central North Atlantic, Proceedings of the Geodynamics Symposium on Oceanic Lithosphere, Texas A&M, collected abstracts.
Phillips, J.D., J.T. Green, G. Treadgold, E. Rosencrantz, P. Buhl, J. Mutter, R. Detrick, P. Stoffa, and K. Hinz, 1983, Crustal Structure of the Puerto Rico Trench-Antilles Outer Ridge: North Atlantic Transect, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 64(18).
Stark, T.J., J.D. Phillips, M.M. Backus, P. Buhl, J.M. Alsop, P.L. Stoffa, J.B. Diebold, and C. Keen, 1983, Possible Moho reflections off the U.S. East coast continental margin, LASE Line 2, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 64(18).
Stoffa, P., P. Carrion, and R. Mithal, 1983, Exploiting Tau-p Waveform Data: A Preliminary Investigation, abstract, Proceedings of the 53rd Annual International Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Houston, TX.
Carrion, P., J.T. Kau, and P.L. Stoffa, 1983, Separate Recovery of Velocity and Density Profiles in the Slant Stack Domain, Geophysics 48(4), 430.
Buhl, P., J.C. Mutter, J.M. Alsop, P.L. Stoffa, J.B. Diebold, K. Hinz, J.D. Phillips, and R. Detrick, 1982, North Atlantic Transect: Wide Aperture CDP Data, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 63(45), 1031.
Detrick, R., J. Phillips, P. Buhl, J. Mutter, P. Stoffa, J. Diebold, and K. Hinz, 1982, North Atlantic Transect: Expanding Spread Profiles, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 63(45), 1031.
Diebold, J.B., P.L. Stoffa, J. Ewing, M. Truchan, D. McCowan, P. Buhl, J. Mutter, and R. Mithal 1982, Velocity Analysis and Stacking of Large Aperture Seismic Data, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 63(45), 1031.
Hinz, K., H. Meyer, W. Krause, A. Popovici, J.A. Austin, Jr., J.D. Phillips, E. Rosencrantz, P. Buhl, J. Mutter, R. Mithal, J. Yang, R. Detrick, J. Diebold, R.E. Houtz, and P.L. Stoffa, 1982, A Wide Aperture CDP Transect Across the Western North Atlantic, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 63, 427.
Mithal, R., P.L. Stoffa, J. Diebold, and P. Buhl, 1982, The Large Aperture Seismic Experiment: Velocity Analysis, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 63, 427.
Mutter, J.C., M. Talwani, and P.L. Stoffa, 1982, Crustal Structure of the Shallow Oceanic Crust Adjacent to the Norwegian Margin; Eos-Transactions, AGU, 63, 445.
Phillips, J.D., J.A. Austin, E. Rosencrantz, F. Taylor, K. Hinz, W. Kause, H. Meyer, A. Popvici, J. Diebold, P. Buhl, R. Houtz, J. Ladd, J. Mutter, P. Stoffa, and R. Detrick, 1982, Multichannel Seismic Studies Across the Puerto Rico Trench and Antilles Outer Ridge: North Atlantic Transect; Eos-Transactions, AGU, 63, 427.
Backus, M.M., P.L. Stoffa, C.J. Tsai, and T. Stark, 1982, Current Limitations on Deep Crustal Mapping with Marine Seismic Systems, Geophysics, 47(4), 431.
Stoffa, P.L., and A. Ziolkowski, 1981, Seismic Source Decomposition, Proceedings of the 51st Annual International Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Los Angeles, California.
Wenzel, F., P.L. Stoffa, and P. Buhl, 1981, Seismic Modeling in the Domain of Intercept Time and Ray Parameter, Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Geophysikalisches Gesellshaft, Heidelburg, Germany.
Stoffa, P.L. and F. Wenzel, Seismic Inversion in the Tau-p Plane, 1981, Geophysics, 46(4), 472.
Buhl, P., J.B. Diebold, and P.L. Stoffa, Wide Aperture Reflection Experiments Using Multiple Sources and Receiving Arrays, 1980, Special Session on Reflection/Refraction I and Refraction Theory: Eos-Transactions, AGU, 61(46), 1038.
Diebold, J.B., P. Buhl, and P.L. Stoffa, Wave Slowness Approach to Wide Aperture Seismic Interpretations, 1980, Special Session on Reflection/Refraction I and Refraction Theory, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 61(46), 1037.
Herron, T.J., P.L. Stoffa, and P. Buhl, 1980, Magma Chamber and Mantle Reflections East Pacific Rise, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 61(17), 367.
Herron, T.J., P.L. Stoffa, and P. Buhl, 1980, Shallow Crustal Layers - East Pacific Rise, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 61(46), 1104.
Johansen, B., P.L. Stoffa, and P. Buhl, Jan-Mayen Ridge of the Norwegian Sea, 1980, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 61(46), 1105.
Stoffa, P.L., J.B. Diebold, and P. Buhl, Velocity Analysis for Wide Aperture Common Midpoint Data, 1980, Special Session on Reflection/Refraction 1 and Refraction Theory, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 61(46), 1037.
Stoffa, P.L., and F. Wenzel, 1980, Seismic Modeling in the Domain of Intercept Time and Ray Parameter, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 61(17), 302.
Diebold, J.B., and P.L. Stoffa, 1980, Wide Aperture CDP Traveltime Data: Tau-p Mapping and Inversion, Geophysics, 45(4), 544.
Stoffa, P.L., P. Buhl, and J.B. Diebold, 1980, The Direct Mapping of Seismic Data to The Domain of Intercept Time and Ray Parameters: A Plane Wave Decomposition, Geophysics, 45(4), 540.1970's Published Abstracts
Buhl, P., P.L. Stoffa, and J.B. Diebold, 1979, Velocity-Depth Inversion from the Tau-p Plane for Large Aperture Common Midpoint Seismic Data, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 60(46), 888.
Diebold, J.B., P.L. Stoffa, and P. Buhl, 1979, Preliminary Results from the Two-Ship Expanding Spread Profiles Acquired during ROSE, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 60(46), 887.
Stoffa, P.L., A. Mauffret, M. Truchan, and P. Buhl, 1979, Subcrustal Layering in the Aruba Gap, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 60(18).
Buhl, P., P.L. Stoffa, T.K. Kan, M. Talwani, and J. Ewing, 1978, Observation of Reflections from the M-Discontinuity in the Western Pacific by Near Vertical Incidence Multichannel Profiling, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 59(4), 321.
Houtz, R.E., P. Buhl, P.L. Stoffa, C.C. Windisch, and S. Murachi, 1978, Observations of the Decrease in Upper Mantle Seismic Velocity Beneath the Japan-Bonin Trench, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 59(4).
Stoffa, P.L., P. Buhl, T.K. Kan, M. Talwani, and J. Ewing, 1978, Expanding Spreading Profiles: Velocity Analysis and Results, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 59(4), 320.
Talwani, M., P. Buhl, P.L. Stoffa, T.K. Kan, and J. Ewing, 1978, Application of Multichannel Seismics to the Study of the Outer Gravity High near the Japan Trench, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 59(4), 321.
Windisch, C.C., P.L. Stoffa, P. Buhl, T.K. Kan, M. Talwani, and J. Ewing, 1978, Multichannel Constant Offset Profiles in the Western Pacific Results, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 59(4), 320.
McCamy K., P.L. Stoffa, J.L. Chute, 1977, Spatial processing of seismic data, Geophysics, 42(7), 1524.
Talwani, M., C. Windisch, P.L. Stoffa, P. Buhl, and R.E. Houtz, 1977, Island Arcs Deep Sea Trenches and Back-Arc Basins, Multichannel Seismic Study in the Venezuelan Basin and the Curacao Ridge, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 57(4), 266.
Buhl, P., P.L. Stoffa, T.K. Kan, C.C. Windisch, J. Ewing, and M. Talwani, 1977, A Critical Angle Reflection Experiment to Map the M-Discontinuity: Preliminary Data Analysis, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 58(6), 510.
Herron, T.J., W.J. Ludwig, P.L. Stoffa, T.K. Kan, and P. Buhl, 1977, Structure of the Ridge Crest of the East Pacific Rise from Multichannel Seismic Reflection Data, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 58(6), 511.
Kan, T.K., P.L. Stoffa, P. Buhl, and C.S. Clay, 1977, The Coherent Transmission of Shear Waves through a Randomly Rough Interface, Proceedings of the 47th Annual International Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Kan, T.K., P.L. Stoffa, P. Buhl, T.J. Herron, and M. Truchan, 1977, Wave Equation Migration: A Powerful Tool to Improve Deep Sea Multichannel Seismic Reflection Data, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 58(6), 510.
Stoffa, P.L., and P. Buhl, 1977, Multichannel Seismic Processing - An Academic Approach, Geophysics, 42.
Stoffa, P.L., T.K. Kan, P. Buhl, and H. Kutschale, 1977, The Application of the Split-step Algorithm to the Migration of Marine Seismic Data, Proceedings of the 47th Annual International Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Windisch, C.C., P.L. Stoffa, P. Buhl, M. Talwani, T.K. Kan, and S. Murachi, 1977, A Critical Angle Reflection Experiment to Map the M-Discontinuity: The Field Experiment, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 58(6), 510.
Tatham, R.H., P.L. Stoffa, 1975, Bright spots and dilatancy – convergence of exploration and earthquake seismology, Geophysics, 40(1), 162-163.
Tatham, Robert H., and P.L. Stoffa, 1974, Vp/Vs - A Geophysical Diagnostic Parameter, Proceedings of the 44th Annual International Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Dallas, TX.
Buhl, P., J. LaBrecque, and K. McCamy, and P.L. Stoffa, 1973, Dismantling Marine Magnetic Anomalies: The Reversal Pattern, Earth Filter, and Process Filter, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 54(4).
Buhl, P., and P.L. Stoffa, 1973, The Application of Homomorphic Deconvolution to Marine Seismology, Eos-Transactions, AGU, 54(4).
Stoffa, P.L., P. Buhl, and G.M. Bryan, 1973, Homomorphic Deconvolution of the Marine Seismic Source, Geophysics, 38(6).